
What is Mind Protein?

Mind Protein is an internet marketing consulting company that many of our students use to leverage the internet platform by allowing your real estate investing business to be more credible with sellers, buyers, lenders and contractors.

They will help you do this by building you a core website that has the same look and feel of Than, Paul, Konrad and JD's website for CT Homes -

Mind Protein will also help you leverage social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin without wasting hours of your own precious time, so that can be focused elsewhere in your business. They have a team built with highly skilled internet marketing consultants and web designers.

The overall goal of Mind Protein is to allow you to utilize systems and processes to drive traffic online!

For additional information please visit - - or reach out to Support and we can get you scheduled with a member of our Accelerations Team for a consultation.

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