
How do I add a Mastery partner?

To add a partner on your FortuneBuilders account:

  1. Review the Business Evaluation System from Than Merrill -
  2. Email the following information - 
    • Full Name
    • Email Address
    • City, State, Zip Code
  3. You’ll receive an email confirmation with their log in information once they’ve been added and your new partner will receive a “Welcome!” email within 24-hours

Please note, once set up, partners cannot be switched, swapped, or substituted on your account.

Disclaimer of Partnership: This statement is to confirm that you and your new partners will be forming an operating partnership for the purpose of investing in real estate and related activities and desire to have them approved to be added to your FortuneBuilders training account. FortuneBuilders is not liable for any such partnerships you enter into or individuals with whom you conduct business or make part of your team.

*If for any reason the links in this article are not taking you to the correct page, please email us at 

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